Many people harbor the image of an alcoholic as someone who’s lost control over their life, someone whose existence is dominated by their next drink. However, not everyone who struggles with alcohol fits this stereotype. A large number of individuals grappling with alcohol addiction are functioning alcoholics—people who maintain a façade of normalcy while battling this debilitating condition. As we navigate through this complex topic, the question, “What are the signs of a functioning alcoholic?” becomes crucial. Functioning alcoholics, also known as high-functioning alcoholics, can hold down jobs, maintain relationships, and often excel in their professional lives despite their dependence on alcohol. However, beneath this veneer of success and stability, they grapple with serious issues related to their alcohol consumption. Understanding these signs is the first step towards helping them or getting them the help they need. Successful Externals, Struggling Internals Functioning alcoholics often present a successful external image. They…

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